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 Buy Online, Pickup In Store (BOPIS) Elevate The Shopping Experience and Maximize Sell-Through. Buy Online, Pickup In Store (BOPIS) connects brands’ brick-and-mortar and ecommerce channels, enabling Click-and-Collect, and Curbside Pickup options. This drives foot traffic, increases inventory turns for wholesale partners, and enhances the shopping experience, boosting sell-through rates.

Accelerate Sell-through

Utilizing local retailer inventory for online orders increases the turnover rate of products in-store, driving faster sell-through and enabling retailers to replenish stock more frequently.

Elevate The Shopping Experience and Maximize Sell-Through

Order Placement
Customers choose their desired stocking retailer for BOPIS or Curbside Pickup before checking out on a brand’s ecommerce store.

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Order Routing
Once an order is placed, Quivers routes the order to the selected retailers to set aside for BOPIS or Curbside Pickup.

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Pickup Notification
The retailer prepares the order and notifies the customer through Quivers when it is ready for pickup.

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In-Store Pickup
Customers visit the store to pick up their order, driving foot traffic and potential up-sales and cross-sales.

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